Although we must be careful not to become trapped by the past, we should look back and thank God for how he kept us through the struggles. Celebrate who you have become through HIS assistance. In everyc ircumstance, rejoice that HE was with you in it! T.D. Jakes
I actually watched my first football game last night!!! My husband is not a football fanatic but he does like the saints, (especially when they are on a winning streak)so he said he would explain it to me if I would watch it with him. I must say I really enjoyed it!!! I don't understand everything, but it was exciting!
I have neglected my blog so much! I am happy to say it is for GOOD cause though! So many doors have opened to further my dream of photography! I am still part-time at the eye clinic and most of my free time I am at the computer working on pictures! There just isn't enough time in the day it seems! There are so many demands on our time. I wish I had a PAUSE button sometimes!
God has done SO many great and wonderful things in my life and family in the recent weeks. I want to take this opportunity to give Him praise and honor.
My WORD for you today.......
pray until something happens
DON'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The enemy is a BLINDER of the MIND and through PRAYER we must BIND HIM. Whatever you may be going through... KNOW THIS: It is NOT to HARM you! HIS plans for you are perfect. You are NOT being punished, you are NOT cursed!!!! I know sometimes it seems that Gods way is just too hard. It's so much easier to just give in and to try to do it on our own. Sometimes we try to push or prod things in a certain direction, we attempt to 'make something happen' to get us out of the quicksand that we seem to be bogged down in. We just want the pain to stop! We say, (maybe not out loud) "Ok God, you are just not moving fast enough, I'll take care of this one!" The only thing we are really doing is making a BIGGER MESS for ourselves and prolonging the PROCESS.
I have been in a very long and DARK storm and through it all my Pastor would keep telling me is: 'embrace the process' I THOUGHT I WAS!!! I am faithful in church attendance/tithes/giving. I live a separated life...I pretty much figured that I was 'embracing the process' NOT What more do you want....what do you expect with all I am going through? blah, blah, blah.....I'm doing all I can just to breathe and get up every day!!!!!!!! Do you feel me?
Embracing the process is to walk COMPLETELY by FAITH. We think we have faith, but do we really? How do we KNOW we have faith if we are not tried? How can he be our comforter if we do not experience pain/loss? When storms come our way it is vital to our FUTURE that we just EMBRACE THE PAIN!!! I know it HURTS!!!!! I know you feel that NO ONE really understands! I know your tears are MANY. Just invest in some nice soft tissues with lotion and HOLD ON!!!
One time quite a while back, after probably about 2 yrs of consistent crying-- in prayer as I was whining to God I asked Him "what are you going to do with all of these tears?" He spoke to me and said: "pour them back out on you in Holy Anointing" about stopped dead in my tracks...I was truly speechless. I have been places in my journed that were so dark I could not see my hand in front of my face. I was a desolate human being filled with bitterness, anger, resentment, grief, self pity, pride...... so many questions...WHY WHY WHY...please make it stop! this is too hard....YOUR way is just too hard God!! (I actually had the audacity to tell Him that!!!!)
Remember Joseph and his journey. He was betrayed and left to die by the ones he deemed closest to him. My goodness, for your own family to reject you..what greater pain/loss? BUT GOD had a GREAT DESTINY for Joseph and he had to walk through it. His betrayal and imprisonment was preparation for his future. Don't think it strange ...this thing that has come upon you! Fall to your knees today and ask God to help you. You are being calibrated for something GREAT. You are being made new and ready to fulfill HIS purpose for you. We go through life...I, I , I , I, I, its' ALL about US... (I want this, I'll do that when...., I think/feel THIS) We MUST make it ALL ABOUT HIM. If it TRULY becomes all about HIM (God) then we don't care what others think. We have a mission, a purpose, an appointment so to speak. We are looking forward...pressing on toward what we are really destined for. EVERYONE has God given Gifts. Look deep into your heart of hearts. Ask yourself: "Who is the REAL me I could really be?" "Who is the REAL me that GOD designed and desires me to be?"
When we have been through a long dark storm, persistent problem, prolonged sickness, financial trial, heartbreak, suffered loss, shock, betrayal begins to take a toll on our minds and hearts .(even our bodies) But it is when we come to the END of ourselves that we find HIM. When we stop asking the questions and just listen. When we FINALLY surrender we will find peace. PEACE that surpasses ALL things... ALL pain....ALL confusion!!!! Its through troubles and stuggles that we find out what we are really made of. We see what is REALLY in our hearts. Our TRUE character is revealed. It is not revealed to God. HE already knows us! He knew us before we were formed in our mothers womb. It is so it can be revealed to US!!!!
God cannot use someone who is not broken--- who is filled with pride, arrogance, vanity, self pity,anger, bitterness, resentment, depression, and all other manner of spirits and things that go against the HOLINESS of Gods spirit.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this...but there are NO SHORT CUTS with the Lord. It will be HIS way and HIS timing. (which we know absolutely do not match up with ours!) Before God allows us to come out on the stage of life with him --so to speak. HE MUST know that He can trust us! --- That we are commited! We must come to the END of OURSELVES and ABIDE in HIM.
Don't listen to the LIES of the enemy. FAILURE is NOT final! Gods mercy is everlasting and NEW EVERYDAY! ...Rejoice not against me oh mine enemy, for when I fall I will ARISE. Michah 7:8
Don't let the wilderness only be a place of judgement for you! Let it be a place of mercy and grace! Sometimes He just lets us sit in the wilderness for a bit to get our attention! It's in THOSE times that we see our NEED for HIM. Don't let the devil talk you into having a SLAVE MENTALITY. The sun WILL shine again!!! This too shall pass....its up to you how long it lasts!!!!
We tend to think/feel/believe that God has forgotten all about us when he is SILENT for a while. Its sort of like this:we train and teach our children all of these things like manners, consideration, sharing, and so on....its when they are away from us that we hope they are APPLYING it and actually using it!!! How proud and pleased I am when someone compliments me on Montana's behavior, manners etc... I guess what I am trying to say is..we put it out there and then we have to step back and watch ....lets see if she will follow through, if whe will remember what I told/taught her.... We hold our breath, we cross our fingers so to speak... We don't want her to fall off the bike, but we have to give that last gentle push and just hope she stays upright!!!!! and Oh that smile of jubilant success!!!! The bursting in my chest as my heart pulsates with LOVE:) My point: I think God does that with US. His Word is our guide book. Sometimes He just steps back and watches.....He is NOT ignoring us. He is just observing and hoping we will pass the test THIS TIME!!!!!! He sees us fall and just waits for US to GET UP!!!! (picture HIS smile and his heatbeat of unconditional LOVE)
When we are in a WINTER season in our life it leaves us feeling betrayed and bewildered! DEAD-- COLD -- DESOLATE but SPRING ALWAYS FOLLOWS Thought: When you prune a plant/tree, it is not to KILL or HARM is to HELP it!!!
Know This: We cannot hurry God. (Lord knows I sure have tried!) We cannot hurry HIM but we sure can slow things down! Its in the WINTER that we learn to TRUST. Its in the WINTER that we learn to really BELIEVE. Dry seasons in our life promote GROWTH. Nope, its not any fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT MISS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON It is vital to the productivity of the NEXT season. It is preparation for something GREAT.
I know you don't see it, you don't believe it, and you surely don't feel it. In a storm we DO NOT see things clearly. It's dark, the winds are fierce, the lightning is stiking on every side, the boat is about to on the PEACE SPEAKER. J E S U S!
I challenge you TODAY, to just TRY to view it through HIS perspective. God IS going to answer. He is just saying....NOT YET... he is not really saying NO....and if he does say NO it is only for our better good. Don't you desire to give good gifts to your own child? Don't you desire to do what is BEST for them? How much MORE do you think that the ALMIGHTY desire to give you? He died for YOU. It is His will that you prosper, be in good health, and ultimately fulfull the purpose you were created for!!!! The weapons formed by the enemy against you will NOT prosper! (unless we let them!)
Here are few tips to help you through the process: 1. be thankful in everything 2. FORGIVE God for the loss and pain etc.... 3. Accept it as His will 4. Remember good times 5. Carry on!
Remember that Jobs ENDING was GREATER than his beginning! He suffered tremendous loss. He held on and it was worth it!
MAGNIFY HIM to magnify means to MAKE BIGGER.... Make HIM bigger than your circumstance! Stop telling him how bad your famine is! Speak to your famine and let the enemy know how BIG your God is!!! Do not view your situation, sickness, problem etc..from Earth to Heaven View it from HEAVEN to EARTH! What I mean is this: View your present REALITY from Gods perspective!!!!! Where you are is NOT the be all--END all!!!
If you see it... Believe it... You CAN BECOME it!!!!!
Use the OBSTACLES as STEPPING STONES! Step right over the enemy into your God designed DESTINY!!!!
I Bless You Michele
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Montana and I enjoyed a WONDERFUL muffaletta at the
Berry Patch Cafe in was a perfect day!
We sat outside on the patio, the weather was beautiful and the
PURE and HOLY PASSION Give me one pure and holy passion Give me one magnificent obsession Give me one glorious ambition for my life To know and follow hard after you
To know and follow hard after you To grow as Your desciple in the the truth This world is empty, pale and poor Compared to knowing You my Lord Lead me on and I will run after you.....
WORD OF GOD SPEAK I'm finding myself at a loss for words And the funny thing is it's okay The last thing I need is to be heard But to hear what You would say
Word of God Speak Would You pour down like rain Washing my eyes to see, Your Majesty To be still and know That You're in this place Please let me stay and rest In your holiness
I'm finding myself in the midst of You Beyond the music beyond the the noise All that I need is to be with You And in the quiet hear Your voice
Made Me Glad I will bless the Lord forever I will trust him at all times He has delievered me from all fear He has set my feet upon a rock I will not be moved and I'll say of the Lord
You are my shield, my strength My portion, deliverer My shelter, strong tower My very present help in time of need
When I Speak Your Name Jesus, the most beautiful name of all names Jesus, the only name that brings healing and strength When I speak Your name, mountains move, chains are loosed When I speak Your name, darkness flees, it has no hold on me
Jesus, the most beautiful name I that I know You're the exalted One Jesus, You have the power alone You lift the lonely one.....
THROUGH IT ALL You are forever in my life You see me through the seasons Cover me with Your hand And lead me in Your righteousness And I look to You And I wait on You
I'll sing to you Lord A hymn of love For your faithfulness to me I'm carried in everlasting arms You'll never let me go Through it all.......