Thankful for the little things......


Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's a NEW Season...It's a NEW Day!

It it with great excitement and anticipation that I approach this next phase of my life.
NOoooo...I would NEVER have dreamed I'd be going at it alone with my precious
lil' Montana but nevertheless, I AM.  (I mean I have really done it alone most of these
8 years anyway!)
AND, of course, I know that I am not totally alone.  My Jesus is with me ALWAYS!!!
For that, I am SO THANKFUL!!!!

Anyhoo,  Praise the Lord, my TEST at the studio has blessedly come to an END!!!!
I'm sorry to have to say it, but I met some of the most rude and ignorant people
during my time at Picture ME! 

It is with GREAT GRATITUDE and EXCITEMENT that I am going into my
position at Eye Care Surgery Center!! I believe many opportunities are going
to be opened up to me in the near future.  Lord help my brain to retain as I
study for my certification which will afford me higher pay!
My God has HIS hand on my life and I KNOW that HE is ordering my
every step!  I have been in Ophthalmology since 2005 and I truly love it.
Of course, the eye is exactly like a 'camera' so maybe there is some
weird connection?  jus sayin......

Have no fear, I will continue to operate my lil' ole photography business
on the weekends! So if you live in my area...CALL ME!!!

I have a whole NEW world that is getting ready to be opened up to me
at the sweet age of 44 (very soon to be 45! ssshhhhh)  I really cannot
hardly believe it!!

With every pound that I shed over the next few months I am not only
shedding WEIGHT.  I plan to let GO of alot of things along the weigh!!
(way...heeee)  The burden from these past 6-8 years is being lifted!
I see the SUN shining through!!! I feel the cool breeze of fall.....

It REALLY is a NEW Day and a NEW SEASON!!!!

Big 3rd Grader!

My babies first day of 3rd grade at a NEW school and she was not even nervous!
I think I was more apprehensive than she was.!!!
Of course, Chelsi had to come along for the big drop off!
She is used to going to the bus stop with us every morning but little
does she know that I will start a new job on Monday and she will
not be able to do that anymore =( 
School has been in for a whole week TODAY.
So far - So good
We thank Aunt Tracie for the school shoes, mawmaw Diane
for the puppy lunch bag, Nanny for the booksak, Sis. Angie
for help with uniforms and Daddy for supplies!!!!!!
We are SO BLESSED!!!!
My God supplies ALL of our needs!!!!
=) =) =)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just a little something pretty!

One in a Million Rose

'One in a Million Girlz'
Our Precious POM Pastors wife has such a burden for our girls...
she took it upon herself to instruct them in a 6 week course (during our mid-week
service time) just to let them know how SPECIAL they are!  
At the end of the course they were recognized during our
morning worship service by being escorted by their fathers, presented
with a crown & rose; then they were taken out to an exclusive dinner
to Olive Garden!  Montana SO enjoyed it.
Can you believe I FORGOT my camera!!!!!! The few pics I have
are from my Iphone, and I have yet to upload them.
At least I got a shot of the gorgeous rose and crown!!

Resting in Jesus

Like the Dew in the morning gently rest upon my soul....

 I wish I could say that I NEVER worry or fret but that would NOT be the truth!!
I REALLY do have FAITH in God.  Why can't I just sit back and RELAX while
I am waiting ....WAITING...and WaAaaiiiTTTing ????!!!!
I KNOW HE is up to something BIG concerning me. 
I have been spending alot of 'quiet time' (during the moments
that I can) over the past couple of weeks;
worshipping, praying, seeking and attempting to LISTEN
for His voice;  awaiting direction; needing some 'tidbit' of assurance that He
IS listening and HE IS working all things out to the GOOD for me !
Life is SO, traffic, people, media, kids, obligaitons, bills, sickness,
guilt, fear, confusion, betrayal....Sometimes ya jus gotta TURN IT ALL OFF!!!
Get in a QUIET place, b r e a t h e....and LISTEN.
 a n d .be.reminded...
'HE is the Master Builder'
'Peace in the Midst of the Storm'
'For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you'
'When you pass through the waters I will be with you &
when you walk through the fire you will not be burned....'
'TRUST and Believe that HE IS a rewarder to those who seek him diligently'
(I could go on and on!)
These words resonate within my heart and brain constantly.
So since I know all of this..what's my problem?
Why do I let the enemy plague me with fear?
God has NEVER let me down yet!
HE has NEVER failed to show up on time!

Character is developed in the presence of adversity.
Lord, I pray today that whatever it is that You are trying to perfect in me that I
fully allow you to accomplish it!  I know that the longer I resist, question,
argue, cry and pout I am only prolonging the process.
I truly desire to EMBRACE this situation and move FORWARD.
I don't know how to cope with the fracture of a 20 year marriage!
I just DON'T. 
Speak Lord -- I'm Listening.....

Ya know sometimes, God doesn't always answer right away, but He IS listening!
I feel such a blanket of SILENCE above me right now that it's unreal.
To watch the enemy violently destroy someone whom I loved and trusted
for over half of my life is painfully unbearable.
Yet it HAS happened.  As Job so stated:
'the thing I've feared the most has come upon me'

Yesterday, as I was loading my groceries in the back seat I
heard the gentle whisper of the Lord saying..
I'm telling you, it stopped me dead in my tracks!
.........d e e p s i g h..........


Double Duo

It's Nice to Share

O What a Colorful Sky!!

Order My Steps

Fun Times Gone By...

Snow Day December 2008

Dear Dad

Puppy Lovin' Girl

She sleeps with them, (a different one every nite!)
 doctors them, dresses them and YES sometimes
she enjoys acting like them!!!!!
She has said since the age of 4 that she is going to be a Veterarian.
I sure pray so!!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Halloween 09'

Montana and Caitlyn were going with MiMi to Aunt Sharons
for her Annual Halloween party...I just came across this pic today and
thought they just looked SO cute I had to post it! 
(needless to say, they have both grown and changed ALOT since this event)