Thankful for the little things......


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Yakkity Yak

Sorry that I don't have any new pics from the weekend to share
with you! My hubby has been in bed sick with the crud/fever.
I also started the new j.o.b. this week so its been a little c.r.a.z.y...!

I have however, spent countless hours on the internet doing
research on how to get my photography business up and going.
It's got my brain FRIED! I love the shooting end of photography
but I never realized that the 'business' side of things could be SO
complicated. (getting copyrighted, finding a lab, price setting and
so forth....)

By the way, I will be known in the upcoming future as
'Lifetime Photography'
(Business cards are on the way...woohoo!)
I really wanted to use my name, but it just doesn't have
one of those catchy rings to it....
'michele blanchard photography' hhhmmm......
What do you think? I would be happy to know your
thoughts. Please post a comment and give me some

I will be offering a 'SRING SPECIAL' so stay tuned....

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