Thankful for the little things......


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Doggie in the window

The doggie in this window -- NOT FOR SALE :)
This is my sweetie pie Chelsi being nosy.
See this same picture on facebook in black/white.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Syrup Fork

Tan was eating pancakes one morning recently
and I picked up the camera and snapped a few shots...
this is what I came up with -- I heard a professional
photographer recently define photographic art as
something that is unique or spectacular OR possibly an
everyday object that is photographed/displayed in a unique or
spectacular way. Is this ART? Is this unique or spectacular?
I don't really know....what I do know is... that I think it's
pretty cool and I would blow it up and hang it in
my kitchen if I had a spot!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Tribute to Donna Maricelli

Wow....where do I begin?
Donna Maricelli has impacted my life in an
unforgettable way! I will be forever indebted
to her.
You see, during the DARKEST time of my life
she stood by me and with me. Many times she sat
for hours and just let me talk. (like she didn't have
anything else better to do! ) There were times when
the pain was SO GREAT and my despair was seemingly
more than I could bear -- She would stand with me in
church and literally just hold my hand! I cannot
begin to convey my deep felt gratitude. I know
without any doubt that I was placed in her hands
for that specific time in my life.
She is such a woman of beautiful grace and wisdom!
Her heart is completely devoted to PEOPLE and her
love for souls is unsurpassed.....She herself at that
dark time in MY life was also going through a
tremendous storm and life changing experience.
Yet, she NEVER wavered in her commitment to
God or to the people she so dearly loves.
She looked beyond my selfishness and spiritual
immaturity (Thank God) and just LOVED me
and kept encouraging me even when things
really seemed hopeless.
I can honestly say that I never felt truly loved
by anyone (except my husband) until I met
Donna Maricelli.
These words still echo in my mind/heart:
'Don't abort the mission!' -- 'Keep Believing' --
'I Believe in you' -- 'There is greatness inside of you'
'You're an encourager of women' -- 'There's greatness
in Rodney' -- NO criticism, NO 'you must have done
something bad/wrong to cause this to happen' --
Nope, just love, prayer, guidance, support and
I must emphasize on the PRAYER. Many times
she warred against the enemy in prayer for me
and with me.
This lady knows how to pray! She knows The
Word of God and uses it!
She was the first person in my life to ever look
me in the face and say: "I Believe in You"
That alone, is priceless to me! She was the first
person to ever ask me what my passions/giftings
were. Passion? Giftings? ???????
Needless to say, at that time, I was clueless!
Because of her, I realize how vitally important

it is to validate my daughter. (and others)
(I don't want Montana to be in her late 30's
before she feels of any worth!)
Thank you Donna Maricelli for being who you
are and allowing God to use you.
I know you will never change because you are
commited to the journey and always striving
for Excellence!
I Love You and you will always have a special
place in my heart. Your price is far beyond

Many daughters have done well, but you
excel them all. Charm is deceitful and
beauty is passing,but a woman who fears
the Lord shall be praised.
Proverbs 31: 29-30

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Caught Ya!

Last week I noticed alot of dirt by my front
door so I sweep it day-- same thing,
and then the next--AGAIN...I am fussing away
until I look into my purple queen plant and
spot a hole in the dirt...first thing I think is--
Well, I was wrong...this little birdie and his
partner have been working diligently in the
wee hours of the early morning to build a
little home for their coming little ones!
So you know me, I just had to get a picture.
I waited very quietly Sunday morning inside
the door & through the window pane got
this great shot!

Spring Special

Coming up is my second Spring Special Session
These are my faves....Is he a hunk or what?

Special Thanks to Robin Morvant
for the many referrals!

Special note to you...if you send me
5 referrals and they shoot/order,
Lifetime Photography will award
with FREE 16x20!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Special

I shot my first Spring Special Session this morning.
What a beautiful morning it was! I am grateful for
the pleasure of meeting Scott and Robin Morvant
and there two precious children.
They were a JOY to shoot!
I have posted a few sneak peaks.....

Robin I sure HOPE YOU LIKE-EM' !!!!

Morvant Family

Morvant Family

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Dawning

I love to pass these wonderful tidbits on to you....
I hope they encourage and strengthen you as they
do me.
I have been heavy hearted these past few days...
(awww poor me!)
I have been forced into situations that I cannot
control and that has caused me tremendous frustration
and agitation!

But once again, my friend and comforter "Jesus"
spoke to me through his word this morning :)
and I am encouraged that all will be well and
that in HIS time HE will perfect all that concerns
me and my life.

So....if you are in the funk today or just slightly
weary, I hope you receive a little pep from this
Or, if all is just 'rosy posy' in your world and this
doesn't speak to you, trust me, keep living, ONE
DAY it copy it down and tuck it away
safe somewhere or a good deed and
just pass it on!


You are a woman of excellence. You are strong and powerful
in your own right. Occasionally, if God so wills, He sends to
an excellent woman an excellent husband who has the grace
to be a lover and the anointing to be a friend.
Occasionally, He will send a strong arm to wrap around
a weary body and give you a moment of rest and tranquility.
But none of these experiences will ever take the place of the
ultimate experience. For the greatest MORNING you will
ever know is the dawning of faith in Jesus.
No matter what sorrow life has brought to you, don't stop
until you see morning, because morning DOES come!
It is at the end of every tragic divorce, but it does come.
It is at the end of setbacks, betrayals, delays and denials,
but when they are all over, MORNING DOES COME!
I challenge you, my sister and my friend, hold out for the
morning. It DOES come.
Do not allow the tragedies of life to so depress you that you
lose your hope. do not allow the bitter disappointments and
losses you face to rob your expectations of daybreak.
Wake up singing hallelujah in the morning.
Breathe in the fresh air, expel the stale air of your past and say
"I can fee the breaking of day." And it WILL come.
Overcome obstacles with confidence. Rise above trauma with
triumph. Feel solace through sorrow. Know comfort in the
midst of crisis. The MORNING DOES COME!

Psalms 57:1-3
Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me!
for my soul trusts in you; And in the shadow of Your
wings I will make my refuge, Until these calamities have
passed by.
I will cry out to God Most High, To God who performs
ALL things for me, He shall send from heaven and save me!

I Bless You!

now i gotta go to work!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Special



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Special

ONLY 8 slots left for the FREE mini photo session


Sunday, March 8, 2009





I guess THIS picture is why I LOVE photography so much!

It's SO00000 much fun!

I have a diverse/eclectic personality (i think) as you

can probably tell by my photos. Chains, hoops, feet, cows, signs,

kids, flowers....EVERYTHING is a picture to me!

Stop taking pictures...I want to play Mom!

I recently said that Montana was always happy to strike a pose

for me at any given time. Well, she made a liar out of me

yesterday....I wanted to take pics and she wanted to PLAY!

Can you believe that? HA ;)

It's All In How You Look At It!

We spent the day at the park yesterday.
It was such a gorgeous day! So yes, I went
a little nuts taking pictures. It's really amazing
how many angles you can shoot from and how
many different perspectives you can end up with!
My husband looked at the chain pictures with a
blank & bored look. I said: "don't do nothin' for ya, huh?"
"Nope" he replies...'it's just a chain'. Me? The chain pictures
are some of my FAVS...SO beauty REALLY is in the eye of the
beholder and it REALLY is just all in how YOU look at it!

How Many Ways Can You Shoot-a-Hoop?