Thankful for the little things......


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Most List


The most destructive habbit - WORRY

The greatest joy - GIVING

The greatest loss - SELF-RESPECT

The ugliest personality trait - SELFISHNESS

The greatest shot in the arm - ENCOURAGEMENT

The greatest problem to overcome - FEAR

The most effective sleeping pill - PEACE OF MIND

The most crippling failure disease - EXCUSES

The most powerful force in life - LOVE

The most dangerous pariah - A GOSSIPER

The worst thing to be without - HOPE

The deadliest weapon - THE TONGUE

The two most power filled words - I CAN

The most worthless emotion - SELF PITY

The most beautiful attire - A SMILE

The most prized possession - INTEGRITY

The most powere channel of communication - PRAYER

The most contagious spirit - ENTHUSIASM

The most inportant thing is life - GOD

 PASS IT ON.....

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