Thankful for the little things......


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Resting in Jesus

Like the Dew in the morning gently rest upon my soul....

 I wish I could say that I NEVER worry or fret but that would NOT be the truth!!
I REALLY do have FAITH in God.  Why can't I just sit back and RELAX while
I am waiting ....WAITING...and WaAaaiiiTTTing ????!!!!
I KNOW HE is up to something BIG concerning me. 
I have been spending alot of 'quiet time' (during the moments
that I can) over the past couple of weeks;
worshipping, praying, seeking and attempting to LISTEN
for His voice;  awaiting direction; needing some 'tidbit' of assurance that He
IS listening and HE IS working all things out to the GOOD for me !
Life is SO, traffic, people, media, kids, obligaitons, bills, sickness,
guilt, fear, confusion, betrayal....Sometimes ya jus gotta TURN IT ALL OFF!!!
Get in a QUIET place, b r e a t h e....and LISTEN.
 a n d .be.reminded...
'HE is the Master Builder'
'Peace in the Midst of the Storm'
'For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you'
'When you pass through the waters I will be with you &
when you walk through the fire you will not be burned....'
'TRUST and Believe that HE IS a rewarder to those who seek him diligently'
(I could go on and on!)
These words resonate within my heart and brain constantly.
So since I know all of this..what's my problem?
Why do I let the enemy plague me with fear?
God has NEVER let me down yet!
HE has NEVER failed to show up on time!

Character is developed in the presence of adversity.
Lord, I pray today that whatever it is that You are trying to perfect in me that I
fully allow you to accomplish it!  I know that the longer I resist, question,
argue, cry and pout I am only prolonging the process.
I truly desire to EMBRACE this situation and move FORWARD.
I don't know how to cope with the fracture of a 20 year marriage!
I just DON'T. 
Speak Lord -- I'm Listening.....

Ya know sometimes, God doesn't always answer right away, but He IS listening!
I feel such a blanket of SILENCE above me right now that it's unreal.
To watch the enemy violently destroy someone whom I loved and trusted
for over half of my life is painfully unbearable.
Yet it HAS happened.  As Job so stated:
'the thing I've feared the most has come upon me'

Yesterday, as I was loading my groceries in the back seat I
heard the gentle whisper of the Lord saying..
I'm telling you, it stopped me dead in my tracks!
.........d e e p s i g h..........


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