Last week I noticed alot of dirt by my front
door so I sweep it day-- same thing,
and then the next--AGAIN...I am fussing away
until I look into my purple queen plant and
spot a hole in the dirt...first thing I think is--
Well, I was wrong...this little birdie and his
partner have been working diligently in the
wee hours of the early morning to build a
little home for their coming little ones!
So you know me, I just had to get a picture.
I waited very quietly Sunday morning inside
the door & through the window pane got
this great shot!
door so I sweep it day-- same thing,
and then the next--AGAIN...I am fussing away
until I look into my purple queen plant and
spot a hole in the dirt...first thing I think is--
Well, I was wrong...this little birdie and his
partner have been working diligently in the
wee hours of the early morning to build a
little home for their coming little ones!
So you know me, I just had to get a picture.
I waited very quietly Sunday morning inside
the door & through the window pane got
this great shot!

Awwww, very sweet!