Thankful for the little things......


Monday, May 4, 2009

God In A Box

Do you keep God in a Box?
We had the most awesome service yesterday at POM!
Pastor Kerry Grant brought such an amazing and
powerful word from God!
There were card board boxes placed all over up front....interesting.....

The point being: do we keep God in a box or do we REALLY believe
that HE is able to do ALL things?
It's true....we DO sometimes forget that HE IS the Great I AM and
Bro. Kerry had a jack-in-the-box toy and it was humorous but true....
he would wind the box and when jack would pop out he would shove
him back in the box and say 'not now God...I've got this...' and so on....

How many times in our everyday lives do we do this to God?
Sometimes when we have been through long droughts spiritually
or severe storms its SO easy to become STUCK there.
We just get used to the mundane...we don't EXPECT anything
to change or get better....we figure God knows where we are
and when HE gets ready He'll do something about our
But it's OUR lack of FAITH that keeps God BOXED in!

Well, I want to let you know that my husband and I danced
all over one of those cardboard boxes together!
We are unleashing our FAITH and letting God OUT....
We KNOW that there are GREAT things in store for our future!

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