Thankful for the little things......


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Drained Woman

I did NOT write the following....
I read it this in my morning devotion and once again I wanted
to pass it on....Be Blessed!

I don't know anything about the woman with the issue of blood.
She could have been any woman. She could have been every
woman. Perhaps the Lord referred to her in such a generic manner
so that any woman could relate to her and put her name in her
An issue of blood is normal for a woman. This woman's problem
was that her issue of blood lasted too long. It didn't go away.
Have you ever had a problem that stayed too around too long?
Have you ever said, "I'll surely be over this by such and such a date.
I'll have come out of this by then. I'll surely have had children, I will
have entered fully into my ministry, I will have accomplished what
God created me to do"?
Problems that linger too long are problems that drain away your life.
That's what happened to this woman. She had had an issue of blood
for 12 years, and her life had drained away from her.
When a problem stays around too long, you end of with 2 problems
instead of one. You've got your original problem, and then you've
got the problem that your problem won't go way. The fact that
you've had the same problem for so long begins to grate on you.
Your problem will begin to speak to you: "I'm here to stay.
You might as well get used to me because I'm not budging.
Everything you've tried has failed. Nothing is going to work. I am
your problem for the rest of your life!
Your problem will remind you of a pattern of failure in your life.
It will remind you of how you grew up and give you all the details
of every negative thing you have ever experienced. That's because
it is engineered by the devil. The enemy loves to brag about
how long he has been around. Your issues may not be blood.
Whatever it is, however, it is like this woman's problem if it is
draining the life out of you, diminishing your vitality, your sparkle,
your energy, your enthusiasm for living. If it isn't money, it's
the children. If it isn't the children, it's your marriage. It if isn't
your marriage, it's your lack of a marriage. It is isn't that, it's
something else. Your issue may be a secret that involves somebody
you want to keep secret. Your issue today may be a NEED---
a need to touch Jesus for salvation. It may be a need to touch Him
for healing in your body, for your marriage, your family, or your ministry.
I don't know what your issue is, but I know this: EVERY woman
has one. There's always something. Look long enough, listen hard
enough, be sensitive'll discover it. You may be in
denial about your own problem.
Look deep into your own heart, listen to your own talk...and you'll find it.
It is your life-draining issue that JESUS wants to heal.

Taken from the Woman Thou Art Loosed NKJV Bible....TD JAKES

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