Thankful for the little things......


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

It was a beautiful day and a WONDERFUL
Mothers Day!!!
All of us gals were cooked for and served by Neil
Shane and was really sweet...
we didn't have to do ANYTHING!!!!
The meal was scrumptous, we laughed alot and
just had a good ole time...Tysons dog Holly is
just a mess and LOVES to play....she kept
bringing her toy back to me over and over so
that I would keep throwing it!
Tan had a zillion new crazy arm bands so of
course I just had to take pictures of-em..
Shannon had HORRIBLE allergies, thus the
picture of the toilet paper! (i know im weird)
Mom got a kick out of the card Tan and I gave
her with the little girl with the french fries up her nose!
I thought it was total hilarious!
The stupid ugly faces ..well... you just HAD to be there!!!!
I don't remember the last time I laughed that hard.
Tys saints wig ..what can I say..PERFECT!
Little Peyton the pup..isn't he precious?
Tan played in the mud pile..and then got wet in the
sprinkler with Ty and the dogs!!! my family <3


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