Thankful for the little things......


Saturday, June 6, 2009


I am of a thankful heart today and feel privileged to see another
beautiful day!
I have awaken today to the realization (once AGAIN) that I can
do NOTHING without God. I AM NOTHING without God!
The only way I can get through each day successfully is to
COMPLETELY rely on Him for strength and guidance.
I am determined today to identify my 'Peace Stealer's' and
remind myself (once AGAIN) that God has a PLAN for my
life and that the enemy is seeking to see that plan ABORTED.
I must not and will not give any room to the enemy to allow
that to happen! I cannot allow my mind and my life to be
polluted by negativity and doubt! I have also realized that
although I claim to be 'thankful' for all that I have yet I am
at times clinging to the memory of things that I now NO longer
possess and that my focus is TRULY on ALL that I DO NOT
have. Is that genuine thankfulness? It was brought to my
attention this morning in devotion that IT IS NOT.
I have been allowing myself too much liberty in COMPLAINING
and murmuring, which is a pollution of my mind, spirit and
LIFE! Therefore, I cannot move beyond or rise above where
I am currently in God .(or in life)
I will seek refuge today in the ALMIGHTY...He will hide me in
His pavilion...I will count my BLESSINGS...I will remind myself
that No Weapon Formed Against Me Can Prosper because as
long as God is FOR me so WHO (or what) can be against me?
I must remain determined that NOTHING shall seperate me
from God!
Circumstances may seem overwhelming and hopeless...
Finances may be lacking...
Family may distant....
Friends can be too busy...
and on and on it goes!
I must be 'KINGDOM MINDED' and keep the 'God FACTOR'
in place at ALL times...add BUT GOD to the end of the
above thoughts and EVERYTHING CHANGES!
....BUT GOD is my PROVISION and my HELP!
....BUT GOD is ALWAYS by my side!
....BUT GOD is a FRIEND that sticks close at all times!

I leave this with you today and pray that you are
encouraged in YOUR heart & life and/or current circumstances.
Don't look AROUND...DO NOT LOOK DOWN!....Look UP

Have a Great Day! I Bless You!

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