Thankful for the little things......


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sorrow without Seed

If you are reading this today and your life has been 'RANSACKED',
I have to tell you something; the first thing you need to do is
evaluate your relationship with Jesus.

When we are in 'right' standing with HIM we have a guarantee
according to HIS WORD that HE will supply ALL that we need.
Now, we know that there is a great difference between
'wants' and 'needs'.  He is our most gracious, loving, heavenly
Father, and he LOVES to give good gifts to His children.
However, HE does know what is best for us, so there are
times when He says 'NO' and there are times when we just
have to WAIT.

Now, if you are like me, You DO NOT like that word!!!!!!
Unfortunately, because I do not like that word, HE has
taught me and IS STILL teaching me many lessons regarding
waiting on HIM!

You can forget about setting your watch or marking your calendar
with God.  HIS timing is absolutely NOT our timing. 
I have wailed and groaned until (like David) I have become
so weary with my own groanings...I make by bed to swim...
trust me, there are MANY bottles in heaven with MY tears in them!!!!

However, it is NOT NEED that moves God.  It is FAITH.
It is VERY difficult (for me) to have faith in times of EXTREME
desperation.  I don't mean the "oh my, I've got a run in
my pantyhose" kind of situations. 
I mean the out of work, overdrawn, out of gas, out of groceries, the utilities are being
cut off, the rent is due, the car note is PAST due (many times
over) and there are NO SOURCES of which to draw from;
NO ONE to turn to!!!  You've been terribly hurt by those
you deemed 'closest' to you,  relationships have gone
sour....your family is distant and doesn't understand, and your friends are
praying fervently: God PLEASE PLEASE HEELLLLLP!!!!
You are SO ALONE and literally SICK inside.....

That's when MY cry goes UP and OUT to the Almighty One.
(usually after I've had a huge pity party!)
Whom have I in Heaven besides HIM?
All that I NEED (and want) TRULY comes by and through Him.
We cannot look to OTHERS to fulfill us, to provide
for us, to 'be there' for's in those moments
that we must LOOK UP!!! 
Grab on to whatever SHRED of FAITH you have left and
just STAND and BELIEVE.....maybe you are reading this
and you don't even understand what I'm talking about...
trust me...JUST TRY IT!!!   Just say: Lord, I believe but
please help my unbelief!!!!

My point is we are not to lose our minds and stress out over
these things.  (YEAH RIGHT!!!!!)

Yesterday, was a HORRIBLE day for me, and I am ashamed
to have to admit but I was doing 'just that'.
Totally STRESSING.  I dont' know why, because
God has NEVER failed anyone yet.  (especially ME)
I was 'freakin out', pacing, literally wringing my hands...but
some how I managed to 'grab that shred'....and guess what?
The answer was right on time!!!

My life has been totally and completely RANSACKED
and RAVAGED by HELL these past several years--the
GOOD thing is that I HAVE learned to lean on
That's what it says right? 
When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to The Rock!
I have held it, carried it and have even slept with it on
my chest!  I have placed it on my head!
It DOES bring a peace that passes all understanding!

Anyway, yesterday it was kind of comical because,
(and I kid you NOT)
the very first scripture I set my eyes on was
Philippians 4: 6--- Be anxious for nothing, but in everything
by prayer and supplication, with Thanksgiving , let
your requests be make known to God....
hhhuummph.....and a little further down:
verse 19: and my God shall supply all your need
according to His riches in glory....


then here comes a little tidbit from Pastor
T.D. Jakes: 
If you're going to bring forth anything in your career,
your marriage, or you life; if you're going to develop
anything in your character; if you're going to be a fruitful
woman, it will come through the things you SUFFER;
You will enter strength through SORROW.

Man on Man....I wanted to send the flippin
thing sailing .....(only momentarily =// ....)

Oh and it doesn't end there.....
flipping over to Psalm 40: 1-3
God is our refuge and strength, A VERY
present help in time of trouble. Therefore, we
will NOT fear, EVEN THOUGH the earth be
removed, and the mountains be carried into the
midst of the see; though its waters ROAR and be
troubled, though the mountains shake with its

WHEW.... Powerful stuff, huh?

That tells me that when ALL that can be
shaken IS shaking and life is in COMPLETE
TURMOIL and there just seems to be NO

SOURCE...He is the master of the wind, the
maker and MOVER of the MOUNTAINS!!!!

SO all of this being said: Do NOT let the enemy
give you sorrow WITHOUT SEED!
The SORROW is NOT the object; it is simply
the canal through which THE OBJECT comes!
Any time you have sorrow, it is a sign that God
is trying to get something through to you!!!
You are a vehicle, an expression of blessing.
Be CAREFUL what you allow to come through you.
CLOSE the doors to the enemy. 
When sorrow is multiplied it is a sign that God is getting
ready to send something to you!
Don't become so preoccupied with the PAIN that
you forget to PUSH the baby.
When the pain is at it's peak that is when you have to
PUSH.  IT's NOT the time to give up!
Don't settle for the pain and not receive the benefit.
Hold out for the PROMISE.  Understand that God
has promised some things to you and He WANTS
you to have them, but you WILL stay on the table
until you get to the place where HE desires you to be---
Do your best to 'embrace the process'.
My Pastor recently said to me: "you don't
have time for the pity party, we will have
it later...right now you've got to PUSH!!!"

No matter what your situtation is...finances, divorce,
sickness, deliverance etc....Keep PUSHING --
After all, the PAIN is forgotten when the baby is born!!!!

Hang In There!!!!
I Bless You


  1. Anonymous4/09/2010

    I wonder why some blessings only come thru trials... Why cant they come thru hard work, not being lazy, not sitting on our "seats of do nothing", not waiting on hand outs, not blaming everybody and everything!! Does not the same God give us the knowledge thru our labor and effort that will produce blessings... just saying, maybe if we dont have the knowledge is cause were not asking, i think thats in the bible. too many times its in the mirror not out the window for the answer. Thanks for the time. I hope you get your blessings no matter how

  2. Dear Anonymous,
    I don't know why some blessings ONLY come through trials. Why did
    God make Naaman dip 7 times in a nasty muddy river. Why didn't he JUST MAKE JOSEPH KING instead of allowing him to suffer SO MUCH SORROW FIRST? I'm really sorry that you seemed to have completely missed the ENTIRE point of this posting. I was referring to the birthing of a spiritual calling in ones life. A time of GROWTH. I was attempting to offer SOMEONE (obviously NOT you) that is in a TERRIBLE storm some hope and words of ENCOURAGEMENT! I only used finances as an EXAMPLE.
    If God chooses 'handouts' as you put it to bless those in need it is HIS way of working on and BLESSING all involved in the process. Sometimes we can knock, seek, ask; knock, seek and ASK over and over, but God chooses to answer in ways we do not understand, and HE ALWAYS answers in HIS own time. Of this one thing you are most correct: MOST of HUMANITIES problems BEGIN with the MAN IN THE MIRROR!!! Aren't WE ALL our OWN worst enemies at times?
    I do thank you for stopping by and taking YOUR time to read MY blog!
    I'm glad that it sparked SOMETHING in you!
    I accept your wishes for me to receive MY BLESSINGS. I do not dictate how/when they come, but I am grateful and will not ever reject them.
