Thankful for the little things......


Monday, April 12, 2010

YEP...I'm just getting the CHRISTMAS pics up!!!!
Thats awful, I know, but there have been MANY
I absoulutely hate that my family only gets together
at Christmastime.   It's really sad because FAMILY
is SO important to me!  
It seems we always realize how important family is and
how SHORT life is when it's TOO LATE.

At the recent funeral of my Uncle Fred (my dads brother)
I realized just HOW MUCH I miss my family!!!!
My Granny in Florida, My Aunt Kathy, My Uncles,
My cousins, (most of whom I barely know anymore!)
and sad to say, but my own father and siblings!

Life is SUCH A CHALLENGE in itself.  There just
seems to NEVER be enough time, and well, of course,
there is the FRACTURE of my marriage that has
dampened things a bit ....
Every year I promise myself to get MORE connected...
to stay in touch remember EVERYBODYs
BIRTHDAYS!!!!'s tough! 
Oh well...S I G H....

Anyhoo hope you enjoy the pictures!....  =)

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