Thankful for the little things......


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Rodney and I celebrated our 18 year wedding anniversary
yesterday! WOO HOO -- YEE HAH
We have been together a total of 20 years!
It was a great day...Tan went to Nannys and
we had some great quality time together.

NO, it has not all been easy...the last 6 years have been
a tremendous, stupendous, mountainess (is that a word?)
challenge! We are dukin' it out with the enemy!
It's easy to walk many people do.
I like to refer to the saying:
When the going gets tough -- the tough get going!
What we do not allow to destroy us only makes us
stronger and better! Right?
We have had many great life experiences together.
We have had 3 homes and have had LOTS of GOOD times.
We also have a beautiful God-given angel for a daughter!
I greatly anticipate the AWESOME things that God has
in store for us.
No Weapon Formed Against Us Will Prosper

Just Me

Rodney took this
he did
pretty good
I have
trained him
well -- heee

Montana and Violet

Tickle Time

Having a little couch time together...

Women Celebrate!

Every woman who walks with God walks through storms,
winds, and rain. O woman of God, your life is filled with
challenges and victories, smiles and tears. You are like a
sweet salve mixed by an apothecary You are a careful blend
of life's many spices. Your personality is a potpourri of so many
different things that years of knowing you will not reveal everything
that makes you who you are. You are carefully concocted and
slowly simmered, stirred patiently by the Lord.
It is amazing how deliberate God is in preparing you for your destiny.
He knows exactly how long it will take. He knows who to send into
your life. He knows what events it will take to bring you to a place
of maturity in Him. He is your Lord.
It does not take long to realize that though you may have many
admirers, friends, and family, none will ever take the place of your
Lord. His place in your life is the foundation of every success you will
every enjoy. He will be there in every moment of pain and glory.
He is the force that brings all the pieces of your life together.
It is His tender love for you that keeps your mind from breaking under
the stress of life. And when all is said and done, no one can comfort you
or hold you like He can.
You may be prosperous in your business, secure in your relationships,
confident in you who are, but it is all because of HIM. It is knowing Him
that gives you the grace to endure transitions, to withstand opposition,
and to deflect the ammunition of the enemy. He enables you to know
when the day is at its end. He will watch you through the night and
His kiss will bring you out of your sleep come dawn. He is your Lord.
So know Him and love Him and worship Him.
Of all the men on earth no one can ever speak to your spirit or heal
your heart like your Lord.
T.D. Jakes

I know that I cannot do ANYTHING without the Lords help!
I cannot be the mother, wife, employee, friend, or Christian
that I should be with out His guidance, help and strength!
I cannot build my photography business without HIM!

Little is much when God is in it and I BELIEVE.....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Miss Cloe

Miss Cloe

This is my friend Leannes little about a character!
Little Miss Cloe is SO full of personality (I'm sure you can see that)
She is adorable and dances to her own tune!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Love Fuschia

I went walking today after getting off work early.

It was so beautiful!

I have been wanting to shoot the azalea bushes, so I

did it today...A little too windy though.....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why I Go To Church

Yesterday in our Sunday morning worship my Pastor
posed this question to the congregation:
"What are you doing here?"
So, it got me thinking about why I really take
the time week after week to get dolled up and
drive 25 miles to attend church every Sunday
and Wednesday. (not to mention special events/
prayer meetings etc...)

Well, first of all the Bible plainly states in the book
of Hebrews chapter 10 verse 25, that we should
"forsake not the assembling of ourselves

I guess that's reason enough right there!
But it goes beyond that for me....

I go to church because I know that when I arrive
I am going to be greeted, hugged/kissed and loved by
sincere God fearing people who genuinely care about
me and my family.
I go to church because I love to sing and worship God.
I go to church because I love The Word of God.
I go to church because I BELIEVE The Word of God.
I go to church because I receive strength.
I go to church because I feel better when I leave than
when I got there!
I go to church because there is NOTHING like a loving
church family to support you and cheer you on during
difficult trials!
I go to church because it brings me joy!
I go to church because it brings God joy!
I go to church because God is the peace that passes
all understanding!
I go to church because there is POWER in PRAISE!
I go to church because when praises go UP - the glory of
God comes DOWN!
I go to church to Bless the name of the Lord because of
I go to church to Give THANKS!
I go to church to repent and ask forgiveness for my
sins & selfishness!
I go to church to try to help someone else along life's
I go to church to GROW...
I go to church because the Bible says in Psalms 22:22--
"I will declare Your name to my brethren; in the
midst of the assembly I will praise You! "

I go to church because I was taught as a child to do so!
I go to church to set an example for my daughter.
I go to church because there is no where else I'd rather be....
I go to church to see people baptized in HIS name!
I go to church to see people receive the gift of Gods Spirit!
I go to church so that my daughter can have wholesome
friends and social activities!
I go to church because it is my 'reasonable service' unto God.
I go to church because I was fearfully & wonderfully made and
created for the sole purpose of worshiping HIM.
(Psalms 139:14)
I go to church because HE is the giver of all things good.
I go to church because HE is my burden bearer.
I go to church because HE is my heavy-load sharer.
I go to church because HE is my Rock!
I go to church because HE is my Friend!
I go to church because HE is my Provider!
I go to church because HE is FAITHFUL to ME....
I go to church because HE is an ever present HELP in a time of trouble!
I go to church because HE is my Deliverer...
I go to church because HE is my Healer.
I go to church because HE is the re-newer of of spirit.
I go to church because ONLY HE can rejuvenate my soul....
I go to church to make a DEPOSIT into my Heavenly account!
I go to church to seek direction and guidance!
I go to church to support my Pastor and other leadership.
I go to church to help build GREATER the Kingdom of God!
I go to church because 'heaven & earth will pass away'
and ONLY
what we have done for Christ will remain!

If you live on the North Shore and you are looking for
that 'special place' -- We Have a Place For You!
I can say with calm assurance that
at The POM, (Pentecostals of Mandeville)
you will find a loving congregation -- anointed,
lively praise, worship & singing, and powerful/
inspirational/life changing messages....
Come check it out!!! You won't be sorry....
visit our website:

and just in case you didn't know it--

Morning Dew

Coffee Time

Montana loves to have coffee with Mommy
and I think it's a wonderful tradition....
(of course hers is diluted with half milk!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Word For You Today

Make a decision TODAY to bury anything that has you
pulled down, held you back, kept you in despair, limited you,
deceived you, or made you vulnerable. Throw it into the
coffin! Lower it into the ground! DECLARE it FINISHED
in your life!
T.D. Jakes

I read this this morning and it spoke SO directly to me so I
wanted to pass it on to you. We walk sometimes through
each day with a spirit of heaviness upon us that most times
we don't even realize it's there. We have grown so
accustomed to it's company that it has become a part of
us. I think at times we may even nurture it! How? With
thoughts of hopelessness, despair, doubt, negativity,
fear.....feelings of anxiety, resentment, anger, I need to go on....? I know it's not just
me! If we are really honest with ourselves, I think we
can agree that life has become such a challenge that to
be challenged or confronted with anything extra is
just simply too overwhelming and exhausting!

I am one that usually sees the glass 'half-empty',
and I am challenging myself, (a DARE so to speak)...
To weigh my speech--To speak more positively--
To refuse doubt/negativity/defeat and anything
else that weighs me down! --and ya know what?
I have been feeling SO MUCH better!
I can do ALL things through Christ as
he strengthens me, Right?
That's what His word says! Philipians 4:13

I am CHALLENGING YOU to do the same!
Life is going by so fast. We have no promise of
tomorrow! Lets be ALL that we were created to be
Striving for EXCELLENCE, not perfection.
Let's pass on to our children a promising way of life!

I DARE YOU..... :)

Monday, February 9, 2009