Thankful for the little things......


Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Word For You Today

Make a decision TODAY to bury anything that has you
pulled down, held you back, kept you in despair, limited you,
deceived you, or made you vulnerable. Throw it into the
coffin! Lower it into the ground! DECLARE it FINISHED
in your life!
T.D. Jakes

I read this this morning and it spoke SO directly to me so I
wanted to pass it on to you. We walk sometimes through
each day with a spirit of heaviness upon us that most times
we don't even realize it's there. We have grown so
accustomed to it's company that it has become a part of
us. I think at times we may even nurture it! How? With
thoughts of hopelessness, despair, doubt, negativity,
fear.....feelings of anxiety, resentment, anger, I need to go on....? I know it's not just
me! If we are really honest with ourselves, I think we
can agree that life has become such a challenge that to
be challenged or confronted with anything extra is
just simply too overwhelming and exhausting!

I am one that usually sees the glass 'half-empty',
and I am challenging myself, (a DARE so to speak)...
To weigh my speech--To speak more positively--
To refuse doubt/negativity/defeat and anything
else that weighs me down! --and ya know what?
I have been feeling SO MUCH better!
I can do ALL things through Christ as
he strengthens me, Right?
That's what His word says! Philipians 4:13

I am CHALLENGING YOU to do the same!
Life is going by so fast. We have no promise of
tomorrow! Lets be ALL that we were created to be
Striving for EXCELLENCE, not perfection.
Let's pass on to our children a promising way of life!

I DARE YOU..... :)

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