Thankful for the little things......


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why I Go To Church

Yesterday in our Sunday morning worship my Pastor
posed this question to the congregation:
"What are you doing here?"
So, it got me thinking about why I really take
the time week after week to get dolled up and
drive 25 miles to attend church every Sunday
and Wednesday. (not to mention special events/
prayer meetings etc...)

Well, first of all the Bible plainly states in the book
of Hebrews chapter 10 verse 25, that we should
"forsake not the assembling of ourselves

I guess that's reason enough right there!
But it goes beyond that for me....

I go to church because I know that when I arrive
I am going to be greeted, hugged/kissed and loved by
sincere God fearing people who genuinely care about
me and my family.
I go to church because I love to sing and worship God.
I go to church because I love The Word of God.
I go to church because I BELIEVE The Word of God.
I go to church because I receive strength.
I go to church because I feel better when I leave than
when I got there!
I go to church because there is NOTHING like a loving
church family to support you and cheer you on during
difficult trials!
I go to church because it brings me joy!
I go to church because it brings God joy!
I go to church because God is the peace that passes
all understanding!
I go to church because there is POWER in PRAISE!
I go to church because when praises go UP - the glory of
God comes DOWN!
I go to church to Bless the name of the Lord because of
I go to church to Give THANKS!
I go to church to repent and ask forgiveness for my
sins & selfishness!
I go to church to try to help someone else along life's
I go to church to GROW...
I go to church because the Bible says in Psalms 22:22--
"I will declare Your name to my brethren; in the
midst of the assembly I will praise You! "

I go to church because I was taught as a child to do so!
I go to church to set an example for my daughter.
I go to church because there is no where else I'd rather be....
I go to church to see people baptized in HIS name!
I go to church to see people receive the gift of Gods Spirit!
I go to church so that my daughter can have wholesome
friends and social activities!
I go to church because it is my 'reasonable service' unto God.
I go to church because I was fearfully & wonderfully made and
created for the sole purpose of worshiping HIM.
(Psalms 139:14)
I go to church because HE is the giver of all things good.
I go to church because HE is my burden bearer.
I go to church because HE is my heavy-load sharer.
I go to church because HE is my Rock!
I go to church because HE is my Friend!
I go to church because HE is my Provider!
I go to church because HE is FAITHFUL to ME....
I go to church because HE is an ever present HELP in a time of trouble!
I go to church because HE is my Deliverer...
I go to church because HE is my Healer.
I go to church because HE is the re-newer of of spirit.
I go to church because ONLY HE can rejuvenate my soul....
I go to church to make a DEPOSIT into my Heavenly account!
I go to church to seek direction and guidance!
I go to church to support my Pastor and other leadership.
I go to church to help build GREATER the Kingdom of God!
I go to church because 'heaven & earth will pass away'
and ONLY
what we have done for Christ will remain!

If you live on the North Shore and you are looking for
that 'special place' -- We Have a Place For You!
I can say with calm assurance that
at The POM, (Pentecostals of Mandeville)
you will find a loving congregation -- anointed,
lively praise, worship & singing, and powerful/
inspirational/life changing messages....
Come check it out!!! You won't be sorry....
visit our website:

and just in case you didn't know it--

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