Thankful for the little things......


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

POM Photo Project

These are some pics for a photo project that
I recently done for church.
Some of them (along with others not posted here)
will be on put on display in the foyer of the church.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Strawberry Festival 2010

It was a BEAUTIFUL night and we had a blast!
I think that you can tell that from the pictures.
The sky right after dusk was incredible!

Monday, April 12, 2010

YEP...I'm just getting the CHRISTMAS pics up!!!!
Thats awful, I know, but there have been MANY
I absoulutely hate that my family only gets together
at Christmastime.   It's really sad because FAMILY
is SO important to me!  
It seems we always realize how important family is and
how SHORT life is when it's TOO LATE.

At the recent funeral of my Uncle Fred (my dads brother)
I realized just HOW MUCH I miss my family!!!!
My Granny in Florida, My Aunt Kathy, My Uncles,
My cousins, (most of whom I barely know anymore!)
and sad to say, but my own father and siblings!

Life is SUCH A CHALLENGE in itself.  There just
seems to NEVER be enough time, and well, of course,
there is the FRACTURE of my marriage that has
dampened things a bit ....
Every year I promise myself to get MORE connected...
to stay in touch remember EVERYBODYs
BIRTHDAYS!!!!'s tough! 
Oh well...S I G H....

Anyhoo hope you enjoy the pictures!....  =)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Christmas 2009 at Dads

My Dad
Wonder what this converstaion was all about!!?
Montana got a 'mind reading' game for Christmas
from Uncle Terry and Aunt Nisey...she was doing in on Michael
and guess what?  It works!!!

Christmas Morning 2009

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Christmas 2009 at Shannons

Abigailroll ups mom made
2 of my favorite desserts..pumkin roll and chocolate covered strawberries!NeilShan

Dirty Santa Game...a tradition we adopted a few years puppy..'peyton'Courtney Gerard and ShaneSisters
Tyson and Caitie
Just give-em a BOX!!!!  Would be ALOT cheaper!!!!
Mom got a fancy new coffee pot!!
Sarah and Shan with their charm braceletsLanie
YES...we had on the same sweater and DID NOT plan it!!!!

It was a GREAT day and a wonderful time of family togetherness; even though
there was a HUGE whole in my heart since Rodney was not there.
Cory wasn't there either...he had to work. =(