Thankful for the little things......


Friday, April 9, 2010

It's a NEW SEASON....

I am going to be working at the 'Picture Me' portrait studio located in your
local Walmart.  Can you flippin believe that? 

I have been looking for a job for several months and after sending out
MANY resumes and applying for close to 50 jobs with NO success
I have been, (to say the least) DISGUSTED and MENTALLY EXHAUSTED!!!
The interesting thing is that the Studio is NOT owned or operated
by Walmart.  Its a company called CPI, and they also own the SEARS
portrait studios.
I will be mainly located in the Hammond location but after
I am trained I will be able to float to other locations in
Covington, Walker, and Denham Springs. 

so this is how it happened....
While getting groceries one Monday morning I decided to break my normal
routine and check my groceries out on the 'grocery side' of  walmart.
I NEVER do that.  Do not ask me why, cuz I have no clue.
I just have my little Walmart routine and thats just the way it's done!
This particular morning I just couldn't find a short enough line or
a fast enough cashier on 'my' end of the store so I went AaaaaLLLLL
the way back to the 'grocery side'. 
As I was about to leave I turned to the left and noticed the portrait
studio...(it's really more like a large walk-in closet) and there was
the sign:  NOW HIRING
Well what the heck...?  SOOOooooo, on a whim I applied. called for an interview (a very intense interview i might
add) and BOOM...starting next week!!!
It's really ironic because I do NOT care for STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY!!
But hey, it sure beats being out on the streets with a sign.

It will be a challenge for me and a HUGE change as I am a
'location' photographer.  To be 'boxed' in...w h e w...s i g h ............
I AM hoping however, that it will teach me a few new things and
help me in a different aspect of shooting.  Of course, I must follow
the protocol of the studio and meet certain requirments.
I'm NOT a salesperson so it should be interesting!!!
The studios also shoot with CANON.  In fact it's almost the
identical camera that I currently shoot with.  The only thing
is that all of the settings are 'pre-set' so there is no room for
creativity in that area.  (The light is ALWAYS the same in the
studio.  No challenges there)

Who knows where it will lead...maybe it's just a stepping stone...
a resting place....????  It will defintely be a REFRESHING and FUN
way to make a living for a while!!!  Even though screaming 2 yr olds that
will not cooperate are NOT exactly my idea of refreshing fun!!!!
heeeeee =)  But oh, the NEWBORNS....YES!!!!

I have decided to just go through this open door as it IS the ONLY
one that is being opened at this time for me!!!
Fortunately for me, I am gifted with versatility, and I am able
to adapt well to change.  I learn quick and have worked in
alot of various areas in my little life. 
Some may frown on that...but for me it's been a good thing.

I really do love and enjoy Ophthalmology which has been my
field of expertise these past 5 years, but it seems that God
is leading me in another direction.  (Obviously, since no one
in Ophthalmics has hired me! )

I am entering into a NEW SEASON and I am EXCITED!!

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