Thankful for the little things......


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Christmas 2009 at Shannons

Abigailroll ups mom made
2 of my favorite desserts..pumkin roll and chocolate covered strawberries!NeilShan

Dirty Santa Game...a tradition we adopted a few years puppy..'peyton'Courtney Gerard and ShaneSisters
Tyson and Caitie
Just give-em a BOX!!!!  Would be ALOT cheaper!!!!
Mom got a fancy new coffee pot!!
Sarah and Shan with their charm braceletsLanie
YES...we had on the same sweater and DID NOT plan it!!!!

It was a GREAT day and a wonderful time of family togetherness; even though
there was a HUGE whole in my heart since Rodney was not there.
Cory wasn't there either...he had to work. =(

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