Thankful for the little things......


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Montana's Sweet Friends



Montana has been friends with Brie & Hannah
since they were babies...She met Nesa 3 years ago...
I hope they remain friends for a lifetime!!

Montana's 9th Birthday Bash

I go into the room and they have dressed up like this!!!
I'm NOT so crazy about
Montana being the pop diva!!!! LOL

Can't put a price tag on that smile!!!Nesa made Tan a card....
The precious creativity
The best part...the bowl licking!!
My babies 9th Birthday Bash was a BLAST!!!!
3 friends over for a sleepover (our first big one)...
I let THEM make cupcakes and decorate them
to use for the party the next day. 
They had SO much fun!! 
It made the cutest Birthday Cake! 
(and cheapest!)
They did alot of swimming and
playing really hard!!
It was a wonderful memory making day.....

A Prayer

My mom gave me this and I thought it was great...

God You know my feelings are going haywire;
they scream and shout that this situation is
terrible and that there is no jope. God,
I hope in YOU.
I can't see what you are doing, but I trust

that you're working this situation together
for good.
Thank you that you have promised to use it

to make me more like YOU.
This is what I want; it just doesn't feel good
today! Give me the strength to focus my
eyes on YOU and not on what I can see.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Heart for Today

WOWzers.....where do I start??!!!
My precious baby girl was filled with the
almighty power of Gods Spirit last night at
her very first youth camp!!!!

I absolutely refuse to let anything get me down today!
I am basking in the GREATNESS of God.
He truly does hear and answer prayer!!!
I feel such a PEACE and a JOY today.
I have the same feeling of WHOLENESS that I felt
the day she was placed in my arms for the first time in
the small dank room in Novercherkassk, Russia in
December of 2001. 

When I spoke to her this morning she was SO excited!
She said: 'and just because I was praying for Dad'!!!
How AWESOME is that? 

You would just have to know how HUGE it is for her
to get out of her box!  She loves God, but she is very
shy at church and NOT outwardly demonstrative at all.
She reminds me of my brother.  He used to just sit
quietly and take it all in, but when he was filled with the
HolyGhost -- LOOK OUT!!! It was quite an experience
that I will never forget. 
I expect the Lord to do GREAT and BIG things in Montana's
life.  She is going to be used in a special way in the Kingdom.
She is a gentle soul and very caring.
Anyhow, of course I could go on and on and on....

TODAY, I will sing with JOY, I will tell of HIS
marvelous works and GREAT mercy!!
(I had devotion this morning with CeCe Winans
'All that I need'...awesome song....)

I will look UP...that's where my help comes

=)  Have a Wonderful Day!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Thought for TODAY

God knows how to take a MESS and turn it into a MIRACLE!
If you're in a mess, don't be too upset because God specializes in
cleaning up messes.  God is saying some definite things about women
being set free and delivered to fulfill their purpose in the kingdom.

When the Lord gets through working on you, ALL your adversaries
will be ashamed.  ALL your accusers will have to take it back! 
ALL the people who contributed to your sense of low self-esteem
will have to admit they were wrong.  When God gets through
unleashing you, you won't have to prove anything.  God will prove it! 
When HE gets through showing that you've done the right thing
and come to the right place, ALL the naysayers will drop their heads!!!
T.D. Jakes

All I can say is AMEN and AMEN!!!!!

I read this today as part of my morning devotion.  It spoke to me
so deeply!!! I hope it blesses and encourages YOU too!!!!

I Bless You,
Chele   =)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Youth Camp 2010

So my baby girl is going to her first youth camp at the same camp
grounds that I attended as a child!!!
I am having so many emotions this week.  It seems that we just got
off the plane!!  Has it been 8 years already? 
Of course, SHE is excited and doesn't really understand just how
 MUCH FUN she is really going to have--5 whole days without
MOM!!!  All she knows is that she wants the TOP bunk!!   lol
It will be SO weird without her...just me and the doggie....s.i.g.h.........

It is my prayer for her to experience a wonderful time of making
memories with her friends since birth, but I REALLY want her
to experience a powerful GOD moment!  I want her to be touched
as only GOD can touch.  If there are any wounds or hurts that I am
unaware of I believe God for healing. 

We have been through alot in our short 8 years together, but 
The Lord Almighty has been FAITHFUL to us!

I am excited about our future and looking forward to the
GREAT things that God is going to do!