Thankful for the little things......


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Youth Camp 2010

So my baby girl is going to her first youth camp at the same camp
grounds that I attended as a child!!!
I am having so many emotions this week.  It seems that we just got
off the plane!!  Has it been 8 years already? 
Of course, SHE is excited and doesn't really understand just how
 MUCH FUN she is really going to have--5 whole days without
MOM!!!  All she knows is that she wants the TOP bunk!!   lol
It will be SO weird without her...just me and the doggie....s.i.g.h.........

It is my prayer for her to experience a wonderful time of making
memories with her friends since birth, but I REALLY want her
to experience a powerful GOD moment!  I want her to be touched
as only GOD can touch.  If there are any wounds or hurts that I am
unaware of I believe God for healing. 

We have been through alot in our short 8 years together, but 
The Lord Almighty has been FAITHFUL to us!

I am excited about our future and looking forward to the
GREAT things that God is going to do!

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