Thankful for the little things......


Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Heart for Today

WOWzers.....where do I start??!!!
My precious baby girl was filled with the
almighty power of Gods Spirit last night at
her very first youth camp!!!!

I absolutely refuse to let anything get me down today!
I am basking in the GREATNESS of God.
He truly does hear and answer prayer!!!
I feel such a PEACE and a JOY today.
I have the same feeling of WHOLENESS that I felt
the day she was placed in my arms for the first time in
the small dank room in Novercherkassk, Russia in
December of 2001. 

When I spoke to her this morning she was SO excited!
She said: 'and just because I was praying for Dad'!!!
How AWESOME is that? 

You would just have to know how HUGE it is for her
to get out of her box!  She loves God, but she is very
shy at church and NOT outwardly demonstrative at all.
She reminds me of my brother.  He used to just sit
quietly and take it all in, but when he was filled with the
HolyGhost -- LOOK OUT!!! It was quite an experience
that I will never forget. 
I expect the Lord to do GREAT and BIG things in Montana's
life.  She is going to be used in a special way in the Kingdom.
She is a gentle soul and very caring.
Anyhow, of course I could go on and on and on....

TODAY, I will sing with JOY, I will tell of HIS
marvelous works and GREAT mercy!!
(I had devotion this morning with CeCe Winans
'All that I need'...awesome song....)

I will look UP...that's where my help comes

=)  Have a Wonderful Day!

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