noticed this tree and the
sprigs of growth shooting
out of the bottom of it. It
intrigued me a bit because
I have never seen this before.
(I have seen it on a 'crepe
myrtle' because they grow
wild if unkempt.)
The tree is very tall and I'm
sure quite old. How is it that
these shoots are growing
literally right out of the stump?
Maybe you know....?
I don't even know what kind of
tree it is! Hey...I'm not a tree
expert! :)
Anyway, as I was walking I thought about it:
'growth from the bottom', hhmmm...
I likened it to a time in my life when I felt I was
at the ABSOLUTE BOTTOM. No, I must rephrase:
I felt that I was looking UP to even see the bottom!
I remembered how: I wore a cloak of heaviness around
me like a thick blanket -- how the light had gone out of
my eyes -- how the evil foreboding spirit of continual
doom stalked me without mercy -- how tears fell from
my eyes instantly upon waking and sometimes even
as I slept -- fear & anxiety plagued me persistently!
The enemy had me convinced that my 18 year
marriage was over and that my life was not worth
living! The word 'depression' doesn't even begin
to describe where I was!
I began to let my problems define me. I became addicted
to being 'sad' and just 'existing'. I had no joy - no energy -
I was in 'survival mode' all the time!
There were times when my anger (rage!)
and resentment was so over powering, and I
had no idea how to channel it. Needless to say,
bitterness was always lurking.
The questions resounding OVER and OVER:
But guess what? I experienced tremendous
GROWTH from the seemingly bottomless
pit of my life!
I discovered 'true compassion'... (especially for single moms)
I am no longer judgemental...
I developed a hunger for Gods word...
I learned to really TRUST GOD as my provider...
I'm learning to be a better listener...
I realized that I did (and do) need people...
I now have a deeper appreciation for my friends/family...
I learned to PRAY...
I was taught how to 'receive' ...
I learned to be more frugal...
I love the book of Psalms..!.
I love the book of Psalms..!.
I learned to wait...
most of all, I learned how to FORGIVE...
From the BOTTOM I found that God Really IS:
a strong tower, a shield, a buckler, an ever present
help in a time of trouble, a hiding place, my rock,
a protector, my provider, my FAITHFUL friend,
a constant companion, my strength, my joy,
my peace, my guide, a LOVING father, my refuge,
and my deliverer!
Be encouraged today my friend...God IS with you!..!
Grab hold of His hand and don't let go! Joy WILL come!
Know this: Now no chastening seems to be joyful for
the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields
the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have
been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11
As for me, I will tell of His Excellent Greatness
and Bless HIS name always!

most of all, I learned how to FORGIVE...
From the BOTTOM I found that God Really IS:
a strong tower, a shield, a buckler, an ever present
help in a time of trouble, a hiding place, my rock,
a protector, my provider, my FAITHFUL friend,
a constant companion, my strength, my joy,
my peace, my guide, a LOVING father, my refuge,
and my deliverer!
Be encouraged today my friend...God IS with you!..!
Grab hold of His hand and don't let go! Joy WILL come!
Know this: Now no chastening seems to be joyful for
the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields
the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have
been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11
As for me, I will tell of His Excellent Greatness
and Bless HIS name always!

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