Thankful for the little things......


Friday, January 9, 2009

Trading Hurt for Wholeness

We live in a world gone wrong, one that was created perfect but
now suffers the ravages of sin, death, violated relationships, children
born with disabilities and deformities, disease, man's inhumanity to
man, moral failure, tragedies of major proportions, chaos. It is indeed
a broken world. But it is one thing to shake our heads at the mess the
world is in; it is quite another to confront the reality of it in our own lives.
One layer away, it is sad. But when it hits us, it is ominous....

When we stand in the middle of a life storm, it seems as if the storm
has become our way of life. We cannot see a way out. We are unable
to chart a course back to smoother waters. We feel defeated and
Will that brokenness produce a cynicism that will keep us forever in
the mire of "if only" thinking?
Or will we yield up that brokenness to the resources of One who calms
the winds and the waves, heals the brokenhearted, and forgives
the most grievous of sins?
The choice is ours.


  1. Your blog is very nice and your writing is great. I think I may have "borrowed" your Thank you for reading my blog that was on your blog yesterday. Insert a cringe face here!

  2. Thank you very much! I was thrilled
    to find out that someone was actually even looking at my blog!!
    :) YIPPEE!

  3. Absolutely. I came across your blog and found it very interesting. I have it bookmarked and if you don't mind would love to continue reading it. I take pictures of everything too, to the point where I get on my children's nerves!!! Keep up the good work.

  4. Mind...? PLEASE DO! :)
