Thankful for the little things......


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

9 Biblical Declaratives for 2009

I received this via email this morning from
Celebration of Life Church.
I thought it was great... (and applicable)

I will be problem solver not a critic -- Psalms 133:1
2. I will guard my heart and order my conversation
-- Psalms 39:1, Psalms 141:3
3. I will continue to adjust/align my attitude & spirit in order
to stay focused & committed -- Psalms 39:1
4. I will refuse to live in a failure syndrome -- Romans 8:37,
Philippians 4:13
5. I will renew daily the spirit of my mind -- Romans 12:2,
Ephesians 4:23
6. I will resist the temptation to quit -- Job 13:15
7. I will be a character driven, not an emotionally driven individual
-- Luke 6:28, Phil. 2:14
8. I will pray and believe for God's best over my family, marriage,
church/leaders & pastor -- 2 Chron. 7:14, 1 Timothy 2:1
9. I will confront any personal insecurity in my life, not blaming
others for lack -Psalms 77:6, 139:23-24

God's Word is SO Powerful & Life Changing!

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