Thankful for the little things......


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Strong in The Broken Places

To become strong in the broken places in our lives demands that
we do two things, 'hang in there' and 'let go.' To somehow dig
up the courage to keep going is the very courage that allows us
to scoop up the broken pieces of our lives and lay them all at the
feet of One who would do more in us than just get us through the
As James Means said, HE would take the fire that blackens our
horizons and warm our souls with it. HE would sharpen our vision
in the darkness that oppresses us. HE would use the despair of
standing at a grave to deepen our trust.
This we cannot do for ourselves. Perhaps because our brokenness
brings us to the end of ourselves, it is here, in these jars of clay that
we offer ourselves up, and God's all surpassing power is made known
and HE indeed makes us strong in our broken places.
By Verdell Davis
taken from: Joy for the Jouney

In my broken place I would always pray Psalms 138:8
The LORD will perfect all which concerns me...

Know This: God NEVER starts somethings he does not
finish! You are his divine creation and He WILL complete
the work according to HIS plans for you.

:) :) :)
I Bless You!

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