Thankful for the little things......


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Yakity Yak

W H E W ....Ok, I have spent the last 2 weeks laying the
foundation of my blog. Like I said before, I am very new
to all of this! I have been wanting to do it for some time
but with working full time there just wasn't enough hours
in the day..!...! I am enjoying it SO much, and I was absolutely
thrilled this morning to find that I actually had a 'comment' --
yee- ha! (I'm not sure I am going to stick with the
color scheme just yet. I am going to experiment with
a few things...please stay tuned :)

Anyhoo, I have SO much inside of me that I want to
GET OUT! I have a tremendous desire to reach out
to the 'hurting ones'....
I have finally reached the point in my life when I realize
that it's time to become 'the GIVER' and not the 'Taker'.
Howbeit, I had to become turned COMPLETELY inside
out by life to get to this point, and ya know what?
It was worth it! NO, I would NEVER want to live through
it again, but as David said in Psalms 119:71:
"It is good for me that I have been afflicted;
that I might learn thy statutes."

When I feel it is time...I will share my 'life storm' with
you. Until then, I hope you will continue to enjoy the
blog and be lifted up by my heartfelt writings,
food for thought and words of encouragement that
I borrow from various sources.
(they sure did help me!)

I also hope you enjoy the PHO-TOG..!
I take pics of EVERYTHING. As you can
also tell, after God, Montana is the CENTER
of my world.
I am going to Shannons today (my sister)
and hope to capture some special moments
and great shots of her and 'the boys'.
I am praying for the Lord to open a door for me
so that I can learn more about what I love and
take it to the next level in 2009.


I Bless You ~~ Michele

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