Thankful for the little things......


Friday, January 16, 2009

The Mountain

I'm a 'fixer'. I want things my way, (don't we all)
and I want it NOW.
Patience is not a virtue of mine, so needless to say,
my mountain was really high!
So many times during my trek up the mountain I
would try to stop and figure things out. "Maybe if
I do this, or go that way...." "Maybe if I hadn't done
that....THIS wouldn't have happened...and on & on
it goes...!...!

This poem spoke directly to me when I read it:
I want you to face the mountain so that you can see,
when the mountain is out of the way all there is left is ME.
Only I can move the mountain, only I can push it away,
only I can conquer the problems that you face today.
Your only job is to believe, to listen to My voice, and when
you hear what I command obedience is your choice.
I will not make it too difficult for the victory is already
Mine. I will fill you with My spirit and through you My
grace will shine.
Not when you are perfect, like you think you need to be,
but when your heart is willing to become more and more
like ME.

author unknown

I was blessed to have people around me that helped push me
up my mountain when I needed it, they cheered me on,
held my hands up, nurtured/nourished me, and loved me.
(even when I was unlovable)


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